Not Marriage Material: 4 Reasons I’m Addicted To The Single Life

By 18 Aprile 2023Hookup Finder

It’s that time of year again when romance is in the air and having a perfect date with your soulmate feels like something that’s important to have. The most important thing that you need to keep in mind when you are planning to ask someone to be your valentine is that they shouldn’t feel coerced or pressured in any way to say yes. And that’s why these tips and tricks can really help you nail your valentine’s proposal down to the T. While there’s no hard and fast rule that defines an older man, it’s generally accepted that he is someone at least a decade older than his partner.

Tabitha Brown Opens Up About Her Success And Why It Is Important to Stay True to Oneself

Being wife material is not something that everyone aspires to but for those that are looking for a partner that is going to make a good wife there are some general characteristics that you may be looking for. Being wife material or not is not the be all end all and as such you should take the time to find out what characteristics you might find important in a spouse as well. Marriage is a huge commitment and as such saying that someone is wife material is not something to be taken lightly. There is no ‘wife material definition’ and every potential partner needs to make that decision on their own on how to be wife material or determining is she wife material.

Guy tells me he doesn’t want a relationship. Then he comes back months or even a year or two later asking me for a second chance because he’s ready and wants to start something with someone. Nothing screams “I am thinking of marrying you one day” than this.

In the meantime, it’s important to keep yourself focused on what’s truly most important in the long run. For one thing, cortisol levels increase while serotonin levels decrease during this stage of romantic relationships. This means the body is in a stressed state, which makes sense. After all, both of you are worried about being your best and catching the other person’s attention. Lauren Miller serves on staff with FamilyLife as a writer in Orlando, Florida, though she’ll always be a California girl. She graduated from Biola University and the Torrey Honors College where the Lord first planted in her a love for family and marriage ministry.


If he is on the same page about these important life decisions, it’s one of the signs of a good man to marry. A great partner is someone who thinks not only of you but of others as well. Pay attention to how they treat the people in their lives, from their peers to their parents to the people they encounter in everyday life. Emotional regulation and availability are also important.

What Does Wife Material Mean?

No marriage can succeed if partners don’t forgive each other. In every relationship, misunderstandings are bound to occur and your partner will sometimes wrong you but partners in healthy relationships learn to forgive each other. If your girlfriend finds it difficult to forgive you and always reminds you of times you wronged her, then she isn’t a wife material. Deciding whether you should spend the rest of your life with the person you’re dating can be a difficult decision. How do you know someone is marriage material?

Signs He’s Husband Material

Why would you want to marry someone who treats you like a doormat or takes advantage of your niceness? After all, people need to earn your niceness, especially people who you give your whole heart to. He knows that conflicts don’t put you on opposing sides of a shouting match.

I pray for a man who’s confident in his physical, mental, and emotional giftings. If he’s secure in how God formed him, he’ll be more likely to affirm it in me and our potential children down the line. Even if you’ve never observed him around his family, you can quickly detect his attitude toward them. Anyone stalking my social media photos can quickly pick up on my family’s closeness. I’ve also seen many occasions where the husband can barely restrain himself from getting into his video game seat for eight-hour sessions. I’ll grant that a man or a woman without kids can enjoy a four- or five-hour round of golf on occasion and still be a rather responsible adult.

We share subjects that impact your daily life and we primarily discuss and write about all things related to relationships, breakups, mental health, astrology and much more. As your mind starts to fill with expectations, don’t forget to set high standards for yourself, too. It’s equally important to become the “marriage material” woman such a man would marry. Let these qualities shape your prayers for your own refinement, as well as your future husband’s. For those asking “What makes a man marriage material?

Emotional maturity is very important, and you should add this quality to your husband’s material checklist when you’re looking for a husband to marry. Check if he can own his mistakes and apologize when he is wrong. Understand that some interdependency is healthy. Ideally, each person can fully function on their own. However, they also know how to reach for each other when they need emotional support. A person who would make a good life partner should be strong, responsible, and capable of being alone.

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